Friday, May 11, 2012

A answer to prayer!!!


Zoe's 12 month check up was not what any mommy wants to hear. We always knew Zoe was small and didn't worry about it because she was still doing a steady weight and height gain. But the doctor said at her 12 month check up that she only gain 3oz in 3 months  and she shrunk a in and a half. My heart sunk when the pediatrician told me that she would give us a month and if she didn't see Zoe gain any height or  weight like she is supposed to then she wants to do testing. We did discuss that Zoe has been so sick this past winter with roseola, The puke bug 3 times with in a month, a double ear infection, bronchitis, another ear infection, and that's not including the colds and teething too. So we were just hoping that it was all because she has been so sick this winter. So the past month I have been doing my own research on what foods and drink to feed her and praying really hard. Because she has a allergy of cow protein that cut out a lot of stuff that i cant feed her. But I found foods that she will eat that were good for her and i even snuck things in foods if she didn't like it. But my hard work paid off!!! Zoe gained 11 oz  so her weight is 16lb 15oz and she gained a half of a inch!!! I know it was GOD. He heard our prayers!!!

We were waiting to here what happens next

 Daddy and Mommy saying a prayer before the doctor comes in

 Mommy and Zoe clapping our hands and saying yay!!!

Thank you Lord for the answered prayer!!!

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