Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Auger Falls with friends

My friend Sarah called me up yesterday and told me that it was going to be HOT. And she wanted to bring the kids swimming and have a picnic and wanted to know if Zoe and I wanted to come. I thought it was a great idea. We had a blast!!! Zoe even loved it. I though she was going to freak out because she didn't care for her kiddie pool. But she walked all around and had the water up to her chest. she even TRIED to drink the water. But It was such a fun day.....

Zoe and her tongue again....

 Zoe just walking around in the water...

 She loved it!!!

 Zoe playing in the sand....yes its ok that your hand is dirty with sand....But its ok

 Madalyn, Gabby, and Marissa


Zoe playing in the Sand 

 Zoe watching the big kids

 Still watching the big kids

 Marissa kept these sun glasses on the whole time

 Zoe is just cute from all angles

 Going for one last swim

 I found this cutie sitting in my chair


  1. I love that last picture :) Thanks for going with us today!!! :) We had a blast! I'm going to update mine tonight :)

  2. Great pictures! Zoe is just adorable. The kids had such a great time, I haven't heard much of anything else!

  3. Zoe is getting so big. She is so cute!! Looks like you all had an awesome day!

    1. I know :-( I makes me sad that she is growing up so quickly. But now that she is getting older we have so much fun together.
