Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our Family Pictures

We finally got our family pictures done. I have been wanting to do this for a while now. But I had to convince my hubby ;-). They turned out pretty good with Zoe being up almost all night. But she slept almost the whole way down so I was thankful for that. When we got there she was sleeping and we had to wake her up. We were early and I brought Zoe to the bathroom to go potty and change her clothes into her outfit for the pictures. And when we were walking out of the bathroom I had the door open and telling Zoe to come out and she tripped and hit her head on the door. Yup! That is how it goes. Right before you get pictures done you get a mark on your forehead  that will show up in the the beginning Zoe would NOT smile at all. In our family pictures you will see me making weird faces and I am trying to tickle Zoe to make her smile. We finally got 2 family pictures that i like and 2 pictures of Zoe that she was smiling in. On our way home Zoe was out like a light again before we left the city (which is a little over an hour away). When we got home my hubby said that Zoe felt warm. So I felt her head and got the thermometer and I took her temp and her temp was 101.9. Now I feel like I won the worst mommy award of the day. Poor girly wasn't feeling good and I dragged her down to the city for pictures while she wasn't feeling good. So that is our family picture story....Here are the pictures. Click on the "Our Family Pictures" link below to view them. P-9, P-14, P-21, and P-23 are my favorites. Enjoy!


  1. You didn't pick any of the ones that were my picks LOL Funny how different people pick different favorites :) I think they turned out pretty good!

    1. LOL...My mom picked one that wasn't my favorites either (P-19). I kept squinting my one eye because I tickling Zoe. Trying to get her to smile.
