Zoe's Actual Birthday!
Zoe's birthday fell on a Monday this year so Alex had to work. But I didn't want Zoe's birthday to be an ordinary day. So I asked Zoe what she wanted to do for her birthday. Being a daughter after her mothers heart she said she wanted to go to the mall! I had to laugh. But I ended up taking her to Chuck E Cheese! I knew Alex wouldn't mind because he told me he rather die then go into a place packed full of kids whining, screaming, and being spoiled rotten. So I thought it was a perfect time to bring Zoe because most kids were at school. So there wouldn't be much kids. And I was right! But before we went there we met up for lunch with Alex. And it was a surprise to Zoe! I didn't tell her daddy was coming. She was soooooo excited to see him at Wendy's. It was so cute! After we went out to lunch we went to Chuck E Cheese just to play games. Zoe had a blast! Of coarse she liked all the rides. But the rides don't give tickets. But she didn't care. But one of the workers went around to check and make sure all the games were working and he would leave all the tickets he won so I would grab those tickets and Zoe did some games too!
Zoe Excited and ready to celebrate her birthday!
Now she is getting really excited!
Zoe riding a tow truck
Zoe had to ride the horse. She loves horses!
Next was riding the too-too train with Barney
I don't know what is with this game but Zoe loved it!
Zoe riding the police motorcycle
This truck moved all over. And it scared Zoe and she wanted out. But I made her stay in and I told her she was okay and that mommy wouldn't let her fall out.
Zoe holding on for dear life
Zoe playing one of games and I didn't realize it until after I took the picture the number three at the top. But I thought it was fitting since it was her 3rd birthday!

We got our picture taken at Chuck E Cheese too! I think it is a cute one of her!
Zoe wouldn't go near Chuck E Cheese. But when we went up to cash our tickets in for her prize the nice guy gave her a bunch of prizes because it was her birthday. I forgot to take a picture of her and her prizes but she got a balloon, 2 lip gloss bracelets, and a purple ball. I loved seeing her big smiles. After Chuck E Cheese we did go to the mall and pick out some new hair pretties and she loves looking at the water fountain and throwing money in. And then it was time to head home. She was out cold within 5 minutes in the car. Which was good because we had a hour drive home so she had her nap still. But that was our day. And all her smiles were worth it!
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